Letter to Governor Greg Abbot of Texas – October 17, 2024

The Honorable Governor Greg Abbot,

As the Presiding Bishop of the Old Catholic Churches International and Pastor of Saint Francis Parish and Outreach, I call on you to end the unjust, illegal, and immoral death warrant of Mr. Robert Roberson. It is imperative to your immoral soul that you stop the abuse of the death penalty in the State of Texas. You have routinely ignored the mandate of the Gospel in your state, proving that you care little for your claim that you are a Christian, however, this is a call for you to change your ways and follow the teaching of Jesus.

Do not allow this bloodbath in Texas to continue. Do not be like Herod and Pilate, giving in to a bloodthirsty system of government to sentence innocent people to death. History does not remember them favorably and will not be kind to you either if you allow this to continue. I beg you to stop this unholy march of blood.

Pax et Bonum,

The Right Rev. Dr. Gregory Godsey, OSFoc

Presiding Bishop of the Old Catholic Churches International

Bishop Ordinary of the Diocese of Saint Maximilian Kolbe

Pastor of Saint Francis Parish and Outreach

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